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Purple Hibiscus Research: Food


A Brief Overview of Nigerian Cuisine

Nigerian food is  a flavorful  and rich cuisine, and it has lots of diversity throughout the large country. As for their protein sources, they eat mostly seafood, beef, poultry, and goat meat. Soups and stews are very common as well. These soups and stews can have tomatoes, onions, red peppers, plantains, and many other foods of the region. To go with said soups, they will often have Gari, yam paste, iyan, and or ground cassava. These soups are often thickened by adding ground melon seeds. In the northern part of the country rice is a major part of the people’s diet. Beans, rice, and root vegetables are a staple all throughout the country of Nigeria. The dishes are quite frequently flavored with ingredients such as onions, palm oil, and chilies. Chilies are used a lot, so the food can be quite spicy. Below are some examples of Nigerian cuisine. Suya is a grilled meat seasoned with chili powder. Kilishi is thin slices of meat that are dried, and they, as with lots of food from Nigeria, are seasoned with chili powder. Asun is a diced goat, which is roasted. This is once again, seasoned with chili powder and hot peppers. As for soups, there are myriad flavors and ingredients. Palm nuts, okra, beans, peppers, corns, and meats are some common ingredients in Nigerian soups. There are also several soups made with ground seeds, such as Ogbono soups, which is made with ground Ogbono seeds. As for side dishes, plantains are often used. Such as in dodo, which is fried plantains, and mosa, which is a plantain mash mixed with pepper and sugar. As for snacks, a lot of the food items are fried, i.e. chin chin, which is fried dough made from flour eggs, and butter. There are also dundu, deep-fried yam slices. There are also fried plantain chips. They drink soya bean milk in Nigeria. They also drink kunu, a drink made from maze. Palm wine is also consumed, and may occasionally be distilled into ogogoro. For breakfast, the people of Nigeria eat masa and variants of it, Alkubus, a steamed bread, and yams with eggs, tomatoes, or onions. Cassava based foods are also very common all across the country. Food is purchased fresh in markets in Nigeria. Frozen food can be quite risky, because of the power fluctuation in the country. Refrigeration can also be questionable at times for the same reason.   Britannica

"Nigeria." Britannica Academic, Encyclopædia Britannica, 23 Oct. 2020. Accessed 18 Feb. 2021.  World History in context: from Cities of the World

"Nigeria." Cities of the World, edited by Karen Ellicott, 6th ed., vol. 1: Africa, Gale, 2002, pp. [432]-453. Gale In Context: World History, Accessed 18 Feb. 2021. wikipedia. Nigerian cuisine. (2021, February 23). Retrieved February 24, 2021, from




Example Dish

Typearl. NIgerian food. Wikipedia commons, 17 Oct. 2014,

above image

In the above image we see rice and meat seasoned with chili's. This is an excellent example of Nigerian food.